Georgie Kunkel
Ms. August, 2008
Strength, Grace Courage

Peggy Cook
Ms. December, 2008
Strength, Grace Courage

Katie Burks
Ms. October, 2011
A Good Hand
In the early 2000s, one of the WWIT board members came up with the idea to honor the women who worked in the factories during World War II. She orchestrated a mini PR campaign that culminated with ABC News coverage of their gathering at the Trades Fair. A tremendous success, there were nearly 100 women in attendance at the Seattle Center luncheon! A few years later, the same woman proposed that WWIT do a calendar featuring these women, affectionately known as Rosie the Riveters. We're proud to say we produced 13 calendars; which means we photographed and interviewed (do the math) 156 women.
The 2020 Calendar was our final calendar for two reasons: As the years went on, it became more and more difficult to find Rosies (most were born in the 1920s). The Rosies are a national treasure, with, unfortunately, an expiration date. Second, we are keenly aware that in our digital age, the paper calendar has given way to the one on our phones.
We are so grateful to have met every one of Our Rosies! Many evolved into friends and mentors and while we mourn their passings, we continue to celebrate their lives. A study in contrast--each of their stories was exactly the same and each was vastly unique. And that's what made the project so downright fun.
There are some calendars still available for purchase at $10 each.