2024 Award Nominees
Alison Blakeley, Dani Ferris, Jen Davies, Lynne Pethick, Megan Williams, Michelle Flatt,
Monty Anderson, Naomi Powers, Samantha Thall, Shad Jones,Yvonne Harry
About the Awards Program
Our awards program recognizes, celebrates and validates the successes and challenges of working women, as well as students, advocates and workplace leaders.
We honor our sisters and brothers who have made (and are on their way to making) a piece of history in non traditional trades careers.
About our mission of inclusivity...
Awardees/nominees include a mix of people from various trades, organizations and agencies.
Awardees/nominees include apprentices, journey level and retired people.
Awardees/nominees include a mix of races, genders and sexual identities.
Award Category Descriptions
Tradeswoman of the Year
This is a currently working tradesperson with at least four years of experience.
She has achieved a skill level respected by her peers, supervisors and the community, shows passion for her work and mutual respect for co-workers.
Tell us about her achievements and contributions.
Lifetime Achievement
This is a pioneer, a woman who broke ground in her chosen profession. Tell us about her role as a mentor and/or advocate for other women in skilled trades careers, as well as her workplace accomplishments.
Active Advocate
This person has worked to further women’s roles in the skilled trades.
This category is extremely broad. Among others, she/he may be an elected official, a counselor, a supervisor or simply a supportive co-worker.
Detail her/his efforts toward steering and inspiring women, as well as opening closed doors and implementing change in attitudes.
Union Activist
This is a tradeswoman currently active in her union and seen by her peers as an informed and dynamic member. What activities is she involved in? Elected status isn’t necessary, but please do include if applicable.
This person has worked as an instructor for at least four years.
She/he has played a positive role as a teacher, mentor and advocate for women’s success in skilled trades.
Tell us about this person’s enriching effect on students and the community.
Cathie Jett Workplace Leader
This person is a crew chief, foreman, supervisor or lead who demonstrates a continual commitment to supporting and sustaining women in the skilled trade workplace. What has this person done to show that commitment?
The Josie Dunn Apprentice Award
Josie Dunn was a WWII Rosie the Riveter who stayed on after the war and built a career at Boeing for over 40 years. Because of her tenacity, she inspired many was able to give her family and community a gentle step up.
This award honors a woman currently enrolled in, or journeyed out of a verifiable Training/Apprenticeship Program over the last 12 months. She is fully committed to a career as a tradeswoman, and shows competency, potential and enthusiasm for a long, successful skilled trades career.
The Peggy Cook Apprentice Award
Peggy Cook is a WWII Rosie the Riveter and was a journey level painter for most of her working life. She was awarded the Pioneer Tradeswoman Award in 2002.
Peggy's Award honors a woman currently enrolled in, or journeyed out of a verifiable Training/Apprenticeship Program over the last 12 months. She is fully committed to a career as a tradeswoman, and shows competency, potential and enthusiasm for a long, successful skilled trades career. She strongly exhibits the “We can do it!” spirit of the Rosies.
Honorable Mentions
Union • Employer • OrganizationProject/Event • Community/Political Leader
This can be a Union, Employer, Organization, Project, Event,Community or Political Leader. Our goal is to honor groups/projects/individuals who support, advocate and sustain women in the workplace. How has this person or entity made innovations, broken barriers or improved the status of women in skilled trades?
Previous Awardees HERE
Tips for Nominators
Please read the Category Descriptions carefully so your nominee will have the best chance of gaining notice.
The minimum requirements for each category is important.
The nomination form does not save your work if you need to pause and go back to it later. We suggest you put all your information into a word document, then cut and paste into the form.
Before nominating, PLEASE check to see if your candidate has won an award in the last 5 years.
Here's the link to the complete list: Previous Awardees
Multiple nominations for the same person ARE NOT helpful. ONE good nomination is. If you are able to check with others before you nominate, that would be GREAT! Remember, Quality over Quantity.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK! If there's a question on the form that you don't know, find out. Answers like "don't know" are a detriment to the success of your nomination.
Be concise. Long laundry lists are highly discouraged. Assume the judges know nothing about your nominee, trade or workplace. Use descriptive words. Superlatives like best, wonderful and huge are meaningless. Avoid them. Acronyms and trade specific terms are strongly discouraged. Focus on career related information ONLY.
Obviously, you respect and admire your nominee.Tell us why. Describe who they are. Share your passion. Convince us!
Please keep each description to 250 words or less. Nominations that exceed maximum word counts will be disqualified.
Finally, imagine yourself at the annual WWIT Award Selection Meeting.
You are sitting with 5 other people and you have over 30 nominations to peruse. Now imagine your nominee is the LAST entry.
What would make that nomination stand out? What's special about your nominee?
How will you catch the attention of tired eyes, minds and hearts?
Don't hesitate to contact us with questions. HERE
Here's an example of a
2024 Awardees
Awardees were honored on Saturday, November 2
at the Dream Big Dinner